Hinweis: Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zum alten Akkreditierungsrecht bis 31.12.2017.

Code of conduct for members of the Accreditation Council

The Foundation for the Accreditation of Study Programmes in Germany has the statutory task of organising the system of quality assurance in learning and teaching through the accreditation of study programmes.

It views itself as an organisation that makes an important contribution to securing and developing the quality of learning and teaching at German higher education institutions through the fulfilment of its tasks, that documents this quality and thereby secures and enhances the reputation of German study programmes in Germany and internationally.


In performing their tasks, the members of the Accreditation Council adhere to the following principles:

Members of the Accreditation Council act and decide as experts in the field of quality assurance at higher education institutions exclusively according to quality aspects and are not bound to the instructions of third parties.

Members of the Accreditation Council act and decide in good faith and to the best of their knowledge and belief in the interest of the Foundation.

Members of the Accreditation Council maintain confidentiality against third parties.

Members of the Accreditation Council do not use their memberships to pursue their own interests or the interests of third parties, and exclude an abuse of information collected through their activities.

Members of the Accreditation Council declare a conflict of interest or their impartiality with regard to a subject of the agenda immediately on the opening of a meeting to the chairperson. In such a case, they do not take part in consultations and decisions of the Accreditation Council for this subject.

Members of the Accreditation Council are not active in procedures and committees of accreditation agencies that carry the seal of the Accreditation Council or organisations that are tied to the above-mentioned agencies in a legal-, institutional-, organisational-, financial- or personal manner, provided the matter relates to decisions regarding the German accreditation system.

Members of the Accreditation Council only accept gifts or services of hospitality from third parties when these are suitable in reason, nature and scope for the occasion and when no impression may be created on the part of those involved or third parties that an influencing is taking place or a return is expected.

File  Code of conduct for members of the Accreditation Council of 03.03.2009 as amended on 01.10.2009

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